Discover the fundamentals of first aid with our introductory first aid training, a perfect opportunity for those who wish to acquire a first understanding of lifesaving actions. Although this training is not accredited, it offers a solid and accessible introduction to the world of first aid, covering the basic techniques and essential reflexes to adopt in an emergency situation.
At the end of the training, the learner will be able to:
Learner-centered approach, favoring interactive teaching methods such as active learning, role-playing and emergency simulations to ensure an immersive learning experience. Through problem-based learning and constructive feedback, our participants develop crucial practical skills, improve their decision-making in emergency situations and build confidence in their first-aider abilities.
The assessment is carried out continuously throughout the course, in order to guarantee constant progress and effective assimilation of skills and knowledge. This approach makes it possible to measure not only the acquisition of the technical skills essential to a competent first aider, but also the development of interpersonal skills, such as the ability to work in a team, stress management and effective communication in an emergency situation.
Any worker wishing to train in first aid
10 participants maximum
6-8 hours
Comfortable outfit suitable for practicing physical exercises
A certificate of participation is issued at the end of the training for each candidate who has completed the entire training.
Any learner who has validated the skills targeted in the objectives concerning basic resuscitation receives a “Basic Resuscitation Certificate”.
Enrich your CV with the ‘Basic Resuscitation Certificate’, a valuable asset attesting to your ability to intervene in emergency situations, acquired through our training.
*Subject to sectoral advantage, depending on your company’s joint committee.
Benefit from a significant tax benefit: this training is eligible for a 100% tax deduction as “Training – Workplace Safety”, allowing participants to benefit from a full tax reduction on fees committed.
This training is eligible to obtain financial aid